
You Take the Good, You Take the Bad, You Take Them Both

Example Image Post Format with WordPress Gallery Inside It

Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your…

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Who Can Turn the World on With Her Smile

Another Example of Gallery Post Format

Don’t go to bed, with no price on your head. No, no, don’t do it. Fon’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time, yeah, don’t do it. And keep your eye on the sparrow, when the going gets narrow. Don’t do it, don’t do it. Where can I go where the cold winds don’t blow, Now. Well, well, well. Who can turn the…

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Matt Mullenweg Interview Podcast

Embedded Audio With MP3 File Url

I bet we been together for a million years, And I bet we’ll be together for a million more. Oh, It’s like I started breathing on the night we kissed, and I can’t remember what I ever did before. What would we do baby, without us? What would we do baby, without us? And there ain’t no nothing we can’t love each other through. What…

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What ever happened to predictability?

The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV

Doc Bruce Banner, pelted by gamma rays, turned into the Hulk – ain’t he unglamorous! Wreckin’ the town with the power of a bull, Ain’t no monster cause who is that lovable? It’s ever-lovin’ Hulk!…Hulk! Hulk! What ever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there’s a heart, a hand to hold onto. Everywhere you look, everywhere…

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