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Starts with one more smiling face

Your tread must be light and sure, as though your path were upon rice paper. It is said, a Shaolin priest can walk through walls. Looked for, he can not be seen. Listened for, he can not be heard. Touched, can not be felt. This rice paper is the test. Fragile as the wings of the dragonfly, clinging as the cocoon of the silk worm. When you can walk its length and leave no trace. You will have learned.

The world looks mighty good to me, cause Tootsie Rolls are all I see. Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me! Tootsie Roll how I love your chocolatey chew, Tootsie Roll I think I’m in love with you. Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!

Making the world a better place, starts with one more smiling face. And Ronald’s smile is just the thing, To make everybody sing! Put a smile on, put a smile on, everybody come on! Put a smile on!

In an age when nature and magic rule the world, there is an extraordinary legend: the story of a warrior who communicates with animals, who fights sorcery and the unnatural. His name is Dar, last of his tribe. He is also called Beastmaster.

Wanted to get myself a new cell phone so I could hear myself as a ringtone. Who knew the store would go and check my credit score? Now all they let me have is this dinosaur! Hello hello hello, can anybody hear me? I know I know I know, I should have gone to Free Credit Report dot com! That’s where I should have gone, could have got my knowledge on.

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. We will control the horizontal, we will control the vertical. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the Outer Limits.

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.

Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Weebles are around, don’t fall down! Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble, Weeble wobble. Don’t fall down!

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas; you’ve just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

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