Come and knock on our door. We’ve been waiting for you. Where the kisses are hers and hers and his, three’s company, too! Come and dance on our floor. Take a step that is new. We’ve a lovable space that needs your face, three’s company, too! You’ll see that life is a ball again and laughter is callin’ for you. Down at our rendezvous, three’s company, too!
Here’s the story of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother, the youngest one in curls. Here’s the store, of a man named Brady, who was busy with three boys of his own. They were four men, living all together, yet they were all alone.
1. Girl With a Hat in the Garden

Beautiful smile
‘Til the one day when the lady met this fellow. And they knew it was much more than a hunch, that this group would somehow form a family. That’s the way we all became the Brady Bunch, the Brady Bunch. That’s the way we all became the Brady Bunch. The Brady Bunch!
Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came.
2. Lovely & Sincere Smile All the Way

Lovely smile from a woman
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same, you wanna go where everybody knows your name.
My name is Victoria Winters. My journey is beginning – a journey that I hope will open the doors of life and link my past with my future. A journey that will bring me to a dark place to the edge of the sea high atop Widow’s Hill; and a house called Collinwood.
A world never known, with people I’ve never met. People who, tonight, are still only shadows in my mind but who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrow.
Here’s how it is: Earth got used up, so we terraformed a whole new galaxy of Earths, some rich and flush with the new technologies, some not so much. Central Planets, them was formed the Alliance, waged war to bring everyone under their rule; a few idiots tried to fight it, among them myself.
3. Are You Going to Smile or Not?

Is she smiling?
I’m Malcolm Reynolds, captain of Serenity. Got a good crew: fighters, pilot, mechanic. We even picked up a preacher, and a bona fide companion. There’s a doctor, too, took his genius sister out of some Alliance camp, so they’re keeping a low profile. You got a job, we can do it, don’t much care what it is.
Once in every lifetime, comes a love like this. Oh I need you, you need me, oh my darling can’t you see. Young Ones. Darling we’re the Young Ones. Young Ones. Shouldn’t be afraid. To live, love, there’s a song to be sung. Cause we may not be the Young Ones very long.
Well we’re movin’ on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin’ on up, To the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie. Fish don’t fry in the kitchen, beans don’t burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin’ just to get up that hill. Now we’re up in the big leagues, gettin’ our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it’s you and me baby, There ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Well we’re movin’ on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin’ on up, to the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie.
4. Traditional Smile

Traditional natural smile
There were six people who loved to watch television, but they didn’t like what they saw. Armed with determination and a strong will to change the course of television, they wrote their own shows, but that wasn’t enough, they had to sell them.
They went straight to the networks, but the networks were not ready for them. But did that stop them? No. They built their own network and they liked what they saw.
What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound? A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing, everyone knows it’s Slinky. It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky, for fun it’s a wonderful toy. It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky, it’s fun for a girl or a boy. It’s fun for a girl or boy!
Hey you guys! We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! We’re gonna light the dark of night like the brightest day in a whole new way! We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! We’re gonna tell you the truest words that you heard anybody say! Moving out in a new way, moving out in a new way!
We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! It’s coming down the lines, strong as they can be, through the courtesy of the Electric Company, the Electric Company!
Ashiddiqi January 21, 2016 02.20 am
Once in every lifetime, comes a love like this. Oh I need you, you need me, oh my darling can’t you see. Young Ones. Darling we’re the Young Ones. Young Ones. Shouldn’t be afraid. To live, love, there’s a song to be sung. Cause we may not be the Young Ones very long.
Ashiddiqi January 21, 2016 02.20 am
Somewhere out in space live The Herculoids! Zok, the laser-ray dragon! Igoo
Ashiddiqi January 21, 2016 02.20 am
The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
Ashiddiqi January 21, 2016 02.21 am
Young Ones. Shouldn’t be afraid. To live, love, there’s a song to be sung. Cause we may not be the Young Ones very long.
Andra Yogi January 21, 2016 02.21 am
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life.
Andra Yogi January 21, 2016 02.21 am
There’s a time you got to go and show you’re growin’ now you know about the facts of life, the facts of life. When the world never seems to be livin up to your dreams and suddenly you’re finding out the facts of life are all about you.